Friday, August 24, 2007

A Levels

We have briefing on A Level subjects tomorrow .. I have been trying to figure out what to take but I just can't make up my mind .. Its between Bio, Physics, Chem, Maths, Business Studies and geo .. But most probably I'll take either two sciences and maths or all three sciences and maths ..

I've been asking around and nearly everyone said that its very hard to survive, taking 3 sciences but my dad says its not that hard as long as I stay focus .. I seriously cannot figure out what to take if I'm to drop one of the sciences though .. I love all of them .. They are all so useful and so interesting ..

I have a brief idea of what i want to become but thats not helping me a lot .. I know that I will either go into the engineering field or medical field but thats not helping as all 3 sciences can be very useful in those two fields .. I would really have to think hard about that ..

For now .. Peace =D

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